Paper Flower Pink & Red Roses Bouquet

Paper Flower Pink & Red Roses Bouquet


This pink, red, white flowers bursting full of roses and hydrangea. A perfect gift for a first Wedding anniversary, Valentine’s day, Mother’s Day or any occasions and home decoration. The paper bouquet will be wrapped with paper and tied with jute twine/ribbon.

Flowers include:

  • 8 x roses

  • 2 x mini eucalyptus

  • 3 x daisy leave

  • 2 x poppy

Approx Height: 45cm (shortest stems are approx 26cm)

* Vase not included

Our handcrafted paper flowers are:

  • Ethically produced

  • 100% Handmade

  • Flower stems can be trimmed or bent to your preferred height.

  • Paper flower can vary slightly, due to the artisanal, handmade nature of the product.

Care instructions

Paper flowers will last for years without water. They are easy to care for; best to keep the flowers away from moisture and just be aware of direct sunlight could fade the colour. You could use a feather duster or gently shaking the flowers upside down to remove the dust.

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