Paper Flower Deep Red Roses Bouquet

Paper Flower Deep Red Roses Bouquet
This red rose bouquet bursting full of mixed red rose and leaves. A perfect gift for a first Wedding anniversary, Valentine’s day and Mother’s Day or home decoration. This paper bouquet will be wrapped with paper and tied with jute twine/ribbon.
Flowers include:
6 x roses
1 x astilbe
1 x sweet-pea
1 x mini eucalyptus
1 x spray eucalyptus
2 x berry
1 x pepper seed
2 x bamboo leave
1 x poppy seed
Approx Height: 45cm (shortest stems are approx 26cm)
* Vase not included
Our handcrafted paper flowers are:
Ethically produced
100% Handmade
Flower stems can be trimmed or bent to your preferred height.
Paper flower can vary slightly, due to the artisanal, handmade nature of the product.
Care instructions
Paper flowers will last for years without water. They are easy to care for; best to keep the flowers away from moisture and just be aware of direct sunlight could fade the colour. You could use a feather duster or gently shaking the flowers upside down to remove the dust.